Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do!

Jeet Kune Do was created by Bruce Lee as many martial artist know. Jeet Kune Do was created for the advanced martial artist. Bruce Lee worked for years on the style Jeet Kune Do. As you may have already read (Bruce Lee Fans) many people are opening up Jeet Kune Do schools, or they are calling themselves the "Authority on Jeet Kune Do" as Dr. Jerry Beasly has said ( The leader of the Karate college in Radford, Virginia). I went and attended Dr. Beasly's class and was shocked to hear that he was calling himself the "Authority of Jeet Kune Do." By now many people are wandering why it is so bad for him to have the name if he is a Grand Master.

Well let me answer that. Jeet Kune Do's or Bruce Lee's theory was to study and have many diffrent black belts in many diffrent styles and take what works for you and perfect it. Well how can you be an authority on Jeet Kune Do if this is the case. I mean... what works for me may not work for you. Some people probably want to know more. Well Century magazine has the book written by Bruce Lee. "Tao of Jeet Kune Do." It tells twice as much. Once you have read the book thourouly you will see how Dr. Jerry Beasly and many others cannot be called an "Authoriy of Jeet Kune Do."

Another thing I want to address is the schools that are being advertised in many magazines. I study the art of Tae Kwon Do. I just want to know how can you also teach Jeet Kune Do. I mean (once again) something that works for you may not work for me. Another great point that has been pointed out is that Bruce Lee gave only about three people the priviledge of teaching the philosophy and theory's of Jeet Kune Do. Jackie Chan was one of them. I can't remeber the other.

This my friends, is a bunch of bull. I mean these people (Dr. Jerry Beasly, schools being advertised) are just taken all that Bruce Lee has worked for in his short life and rubbing it in the ground and trying to be somebody when they are not. Why let them take the credit. You can't teach Jeet Kune Do and nobody but three people have the priviledge of teaching the philosophy's. THE PHILOSOPHY'S NOT THE MOVES OR KATA'S. THE PHILOSOPHY'S. Jeet Kune Do has no Kata's or traditional stances. Watch the Dragon story. Bruce Lee's Biography movie. That will explain almost everything when he is trying to prove his theory on Jeet Kune Do. Bruce Lee gave more to Martial Arts than any other man in the world. So Bruce Lee fans, Martial Artist, are we going to let these people do this. I won't. Stand up for Bruce Lee and tell these people what they are doing is wrong. If you can't, give me there address and I will.


If there are any questions or comments please e-mail me and I will email the author since the author's parents believe it is not appropriate for for him to offer his email. Thanks.